Intake Well for 37 MLD STP at Karmalichak of Voltas India Ltd, BUIDCO, Patna

                                         Building & Road Work

Bimal tech foundation towards end to end solution for Building and Road work has unique and long term run and strong structure.

Our valuable customers are always appreciates the work and time bound to complete the work with 100% deliverables commitments. 

  Building & Road Work
1 Construction of PQC Road  3500 Mtr 459.48 Tata Mafi Project TASL
2 Construction of Control Room Building  1 Nos 42.71 RE Project WBPDCL Bajaj under  WBPDCL
3 Construction of Retaining Wall 160 Mtr 140.51 220/132/33 KV GSS, Ranchi SPML Under JUSNL
4 Construction of RCC Road 250 Mtr 18.91 220/132/33 KV GSS, Ranchi SPML Under JUSNL
5 Construction of RCC Road 500 Mtr 39.78 RE Work Patna SPML under SBPDCL Patna
6 Construction of Drain all along the plant 1500 Mtr 9 PFBC Lift Project, Rajasthan PHED, Rajasthan